Assessment MS Years 3-4


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EPAs (Entrustable Professional Activities) - REQUIRED Clerkships

Preceptors will assess students on Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs). Students are required to receive ratings an average of 3 EPAs per week during the rotation. This assessment is student-initiated and can be completed on the student's phone or computer.

EPA/CSA Assessment Handbook (pdf)

EPA Student Cues (pdf)

EPA Requirements for Required Clerkships (pdf)

EPA Toolkit (Faculty and Learners' Guide) from AAMC

CSAs (Clinical Skills Assessment) - REQUIRED CLERKSHIPS

Preceptors will complete at minimum 1 clinical skill assessments (CSA) for each of the medical students on their teaching team. These are student initiated. Students will pull up the CSA on their mobile device or laptop then the preceptor and the student fill out the form together in real time.

CSA Rating Scale

CSA Completion Steps


RCEs (Required Clinical Experiences) - REQUIRED COURSES

Upon completion of the core required clerkships, all University of Minnesota Medical Students will have learned about a common set of conditions, procedures, and presenting symptoms that encompass high yield learning opportunities that any medical student needs to learn.

Guidance/Tips on Evaluating Medical Students and Providing Feedback

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Dean's Letter - MSPE (Medical Student Performance Evaluation) Comments

The Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE) is a required component for all residency applications that includes important information regarding academic performance and clinical skills. This document is used to help identify students who demonstrate skills and attributes that programs value in a prospective resident. It plays a role in the offering of interviews and is a way to differentiate applicants from each other.  Narrative comments that focus on specific clinical competencies, interpersonal and communication skills are highly valued and useful. 

Handout for Writing MSPE Comments (pdf)

Letters of Reference